School Board
The FSUS School Board is a diverse body composed of 13 members, each bringing unique perspectives and expertise to the table. Among them are three parent representatives, four FSU representatives, four community representatives, a faculty representative, and a student representative, ensuring broad representation and inclusivity. At the helm of the board, either a community or parent member takes on the role of chairperson, guiding discussions and decision-making processes with a focus on the best interests of the school community. This structure fosters collaboration and ensures that the voices of various stakeholders, including parents, students, faculty, and the broader community, are heard and considered in the governance of FSUS.
- Meet the Board
- Board Agendas
- Board Minutes
- Policies and Procedures
- Workshop & Meeting Materials
- FAQs
- Video- Workshops & Meetings
- Board Adjunct Committees
- Board Announcements
Meet the Board
Board Agendas
Board Minutes
Policies and Procedures
Workshop & Meeting Materials
- What is Florida State University School (FSUS)?
- Who serves on the School Board?
- What is the length of term for School Board members?
- What is the role of the School Board?
- How often does the School Board meet?
- Who attends School Board meetings?
- What are the agenda items considered by the Board?
- What are the committees of the Board?
- What are the additional responsibilities of the board?
- What are the Sunshine Laws?
- Where can I find additional information about the board meetings?
What is Florida State University School (FSUS)?
Florida State University School (FSUS) is a laboratory school sponsored by Florida State University (FSU). FSUS includes grades K-12, with approximately 2,000 students and 100 faculty members. FSUS has a number of clubs and activities available to students, such as Engineering, Spanish Club, and sports activities. Students are admitted by random selection made by a computer to closely match the public-school student population demographics. Based on criteria related to student performance, the Florida Department of Education identifies FSUS as an “A” school. Last year, the school had the highest reading scores in the state and 99% high school completion.
Who serves on the School Board?
The School Board is comprised of 13 members – three parent representatives, four FSU representatives, four community representatives, a faculty representative, and a student representative. A community or parent member chairs the Board. Current Board membership and designated leaders can be found on the FSUS website:
What is the length of term for School Board members?
What is the role of the School Board?
How often does the School Board meet?
Monthly workshops and meetings are held at the FSUS campus. A workshop is a working session that precedes the monthly meeting. The monthly workshops and meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 3:30 P.M. Workshops usually last an hour, while meetings may be shorter, depending on the amount of business to be conducted. In addition to attending full Board meetings, members also may serve on one of the Board committees (e.g., Finance or Policy).
Who attends School Board meetings?
School Board meetings are conducted in accordance with the State of Florida Sunshine Law. In addition to School Board members, FSUS staff and guests also attend the meetings. At the beginning of each meeting, teachers identify students for recognition for their scholastic or extracurricular achievements
What are the agenda items considered by the Board?
What are the committees of the Board?
The following are committees of the Board:
- • Finance Committee
- Policy Committee
- Board Member Nominating Committee, as needed
- Additional ad-hoc committees, as needed
In addition to the School Board meetings, committees meet on a monthly basis. The Policy Committee meets the Tuesday prior to the School Board meeting. The Finance Committee meets the Wednesday prior to the School Board meeting. Members typically serve on one committee. Committee meetings are scheduled for an hour each month. The Board may constitute additional committees to carry out its work.
What are the additional responsibilities of the board?
What are the Sunshine Laws?
All meetings of the School Board are open to the public and subject to state Sunshine Laws. All records of the school board are open records. See for additional information.
Where can I find additional information about the board meetings?
Additional information about the school and the School Board may be found on the FSUS website at
Video- Workshops & Meetings
Board Adjunct Committees
Ad Hoc - Safety and Security Committee
As need arises.
Board Member Nominating
As necessary when a Board member leaves.
Finance Committee meetings take place on the first Wednesday prior to the School Board meeting each month at 4:00 PM in the Director's Conference Room.
As need arises.
Policy Committee meetings take place on the first Tuesday of each month at 4:00 PM in the Director’s Conference Room.
Strategic Planning
As need arises
Board Announcements
FSUS Board Workshop and Meeting Location Change
The FSUS Board Workshop and Meeting scheduled for 3:30 PM, Tuesday, 10/8/24 will take place in the FSUS Auditorium.
Notice of FSUS Board of Directors Meetings
The FSUS Board meetings are scheduled on the second Tuesday of every month (unless otherwise noted).
The Workshop is scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. in the FSUS STEAM Building Exhibition Room, 3000 School House Road. The purpose of these meetings will be to consider and discuss updated information, reports, and changes to School/District operations, budgets and finance, policies and procedures, curriculum and other business of the Board. Any agenda item requiring a vote by the Board will be forwarded to the regular meeting agenda. Agendas will be posted on this site on or about Wednesday of the week prior to the scheduled workshop with the exception of emergency items.
The Regular Meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. or at the end of the workshop in the FSUS STEAM Building Exhibition Room, 3000 School House Road. The purpose of these meetings will be to consider discuss and take appropriate action on updated information, reports, and changes to, School/District operations, budgets and financial policies and procedures, curricula and other business of the Board. Agendas will be posted on this site on or about Wednesday of the week prior to the scheduled meeting with the exception of emergency items.
Public input: Any person desiring to speak to or make a presentation to the Board should contact Dr. Christopher Small, Director, FSUS, Inc., at 850-245-3700 or at at least three business days prior to the meeting for information on procedures and policies for being placed on the agenda.
Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of Directors of FSUS, Inc., with respect to any matter considered at scheduled meetings, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. FSUS, Inc. does not provide or prepare such records.
Persons with disabilities: Pursuant to Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities requiring reasonable accommodations to attend scheduled meetings and workshops should contact Dr. Christopher Small, Director, at 245-3700 at least 48 hours prior to the meetings. Committee meeting schedules will be posted when available on this site and at the school.
FSUS Board of Directors Notice of Future Non-Scheduled Board Meetings
The Board of Directors of the Florida State University Schools, Inc. hereby gives notice that, on occasion, due to exigent circumstances FSUS, Inc. may need to convene promptly a meeting that involves two or more Board members. Accordingly, such a meeting would be subject to the provisions of section 286.011, Florida Statutes. In such situations, advance notice of such a meeting will be posted on the school's website and posted in the administration building and the teacher's lounge area at the school as far in advance of the meeting as possible.
Any person desiring to speak to or make a presentation at these meetings on the subject(s) noted in the announcement should contact Dr. Christopher Small, Director, FSUS, Inc., at 850-245-3700 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting for information on procedures and policies for being placed on the agenda.
Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of Directors of FSUS, Inc., with respect to any matter considered at scheduled meetings, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. FSUS, Inc. does not provide or prepare such records. Pursuant to Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities requiring reasonable accommodations to attend scheduled meetings and workshops should contact Dr. Christopher Small, Director, at 245-3700 at least 48 hours prior to the meetings.
All board members will be advised. There may be times when administrative meetings need to be with only administrators and in such times the director will advise of that request.
FSUS Board of Directors Notice of Standing Committee Meetings
The FSUS Board Policy Committee meets each month on the Tuesday prior to the regular board workshop and meeting. All meetings take place at 3:30 PM via video conference.
The FSUS Board Finance Committee meets each month on the Wednesday prior to the regular board workshop and meeting. All meetings take place at 3:30 PM via video conference.
Any person desiring to speak to or make a presentation to the Committee should contact Dr. Christopher Small, Director, FSUS, Inc., at 245-3700 or at at least three business days prior to the meeting for information on procedures and policies for being placed on the agenda.