Parent & Student Resources
- Academic At-Home Resources
- Activity Fee Policy
- Attendance
- Bell Schedule
- Code of Conduct
- Florida School Grades
- FortifyFL
- Instructional Materials
- Listservs
- Make a Payment
- Parking Pass Information
- Records and Transcripts
- Report Bullying Anonymously
- Seminole Happenings Newsletters
- Tech Resources
- Title IX
- Title IX Homeless Education Program
Academic At-Home Resources
Activity Fee Policy

Connie Eichler
- Activity Fee Payment Procedures
- Fee Deadline
- Penalty
- Free & Reduced Waivers
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- Partial Year Fee Schedules
- How to Pay Activity Fees
Activity Fee Payment Procedures
Fee Deadline
Accounts not paid in full by the above deadline will be charged a $20.00 administrative fee for late payment. An additional $20.00 late fee will be charged for each additional month the activity fee is late. If there is a student with an outstanding activity fee balance as of the Friday before Winter Break, the parent/guardian will be required to pay the next year’s activity fee in full by July 1st prior to the next school year beginning.
Any student who does not pay their fees in full will have their invitation for enrollment to FSUS withdrawn for the next school year.
Free & Reduced Waivers
Those who qualify for the Free or Reduced Price Meals Program may be eligible for a waiver of the activity fee. In order to be eligible for the waiver of activity fees, the application for Free and Reduced lunch must be received by the Lunchroom Manager prior to October 1st each school year. If a Student is admitted after the first day of school, their application must be received by the Lunchroom Manager within 30 calendar days of admission. If you qualify for the activity fee waiver but do not meet the application deadline, the activity fee will be due in full. The Free and Reduced Lunch application is included in the orientation packet or may be obtained from the FSUS Cafeteria website after August 1st. Once a student is approved for free or reduced lunch, an adjustment will be made to the activity fee. If the fees have already been paid, a refund will be processed. A percentage of students who participate in this program will be audited. Being eligible for food stamps and being listed on the Direct Certification list does not qualify you for free/reduced activity fees. The Free and Reduced Application must be completed and a waiver allowing the information to be released to the accounting office must be completed prior to the deadline in order to have the activity fees waived.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Partial Year Fee Schedules
Activity fees will be prorated for new students who attend for less than a full school year. For each part of a quarter that the new student attends FSUS, they must pay ¼ of the activity fee.
No fees will be refunded or prorated due to withdrawal except within 30 days of the start of each school year or within 30 calendar days following admission.
How to Pay Activity Fees
Please be advised that we are no longer utilizing FSU Student Financials for tracking and processing Activity Fee charges and payments. We are in the process of migrating all Student Activity Fees billing and payments into Focus. In the near future, you will be able to view your student’s billing information and pay invoices directly from your student’s Focus dashboard. During the transition, you will be able to make payments by cash, check and money order at our accounting office. Additionally, you will be able to make secure credit and debit card transactions using Transact (Cashnet). Our accounting office will maintain a ledger of all charges and payments for entry into Focus at a later date. In the interim, Activity Fee balance information can be obtained by contacting Connie Eichler at 245-3716 or
American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa are accepted for online payments. Access online payments at Click on the box that says “FSUS Activity Fees 2021-22”. Input the amount of the payment you wish to make, the student’s 10-digit Focus ID number and the student’s full name. Choose the student’s grade from the dropdown menu and enter the first and last name of the payer. Hit the “Add to cart” button and then the “checkout” button. Verify the payment amount on the Cart page and hit the “Continue” button. Input payment details required and check acknowledgement statement and hit “Continue”. Review the service charge information for the transaction and hit the “Continue” button. Enter a valid email address and hit the “Pay” button to process payment.
- Attendance can only be reported through the FOCUS App, FOCUS Parent Portal, Email (, or Attendance Voicemail (850-245-3883). FOCUS App is strongly preferred.
- Guardians can upload medical or legal documentation through the FOCUS Parent Portal, Email, or deliver to front office.
- Pre-Arranged attendance forms are intended for future travel, students' outside activity events, or extended leave of absence. The form should be submitted a week prior to requested leave date. Medical appointment and illness should be reported through the "Report an Absence" feature in the FOCUS App. Please see the Student Code of Conduct for what is excused and what is not.
- It is critical for families to report absences and medical appointments on the day of an absence to avoid discipline referral and consequences for their child.
Report a Day Of Absence
Report a Pre-Arranged Absence
- A Pre-Approved Absence form is not needed for medical and dental appointments. Documentation for those appointments will need to be turned in to the front office. If a student is sick, a call to the attendance office will need to be made.
- The administration may not approve the trip.
- Administrative approval does not prevent you from going on a trip; it determines the type of absence recorded in the attendance database. Approval is based on the Board approved Student Code of Conduct.
- Submitting this form by any person other than the legal parent/guardian of a child could result in school disciplinary and/or legal action against that person.
- Once your trip is approved, please contact your child's teachers regarding classroom assignments that will be missed during the absence.
Pre-Excused Absence Forms
Bell Schedule
Code of Conduct
Florida School Grades
The Florida Department of Education annually assigns school grades based on various factors including student performance on standardized tests, graduation rates, and other metrics, providing a comprehensive evaluation of each school's academic performance. Click the link below for additional information.
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
Please note that someone who knowingly submits a false tip through FortifyFL may be subject to further investigation by law enforcement and may be subject to criminal penalties under section 837.05, F.S.
FortifyFL Parent Training Video
Instructional Materials
The following textbooks and instructional materials are used in courses offered at FSUS. Families may view instructional materials through their student’s Clever portal. Additional supplemental materials may be used to enhance students’ understanding of grade-level standards and benchmarks.
Adoption Cycle- Florida adopts instructional materials for specific courses for a selected subject area on a rotating basis. The Florida Department of Education publishes specifications for course materials and standards. Detailed information is available on the FLDOE Website.
Student textbooks are available for review upon request.
Instructional Materials Information
FSUS Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Material Form
Comprehensive Health Education
Health Education provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to be healthy throughout their lifetime. The intent of a comprehensive health education program is to motivate students to maintain and improve their health, prevent disease, and avoid or reduce health related risk behaviors, Florida State Statute 1003.42 (2)(n) – Required Instruction.
As part of the K-12 Comprehensive Health Education Program, the required Reproductive Health and Disease Prevention Education curriculum provides accurate, age-appropriate information about disease awareness and prevention and the benefits of abstinence. The curriculum also incorporates information about healthy relationships and communication skills. Students are also reminded about counseling services provided within the school district. Any student whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health and disease, including HIV/AIDS, its symptoms, development, and treatment. A student so exempted may not be penalized by reason of that exemption. For more information about Comprehensive Health Education and related state statutes on required instruction, choose from the following Florida Department of Education websites:
Comprehensive Health Education
Department Contact
K-8: Suzanne Wilkinson-
9-12- Megan Brink-
Make a Payment
Parking Pass Information
Records and Transcripts
Report Bullying Anonymously
This is a special place created to allow students, parents, and families to report incidents of violence, threats, bullying, depression, and other issues or concerns about classmates, family members, or employees to school administrators anonymously.
Any concerns regarding sexual harassment or discrimination may be reported to Mrs. Brink (, the Title IX Deputy Director, the Principal, the Dean, the counselors, the anonymous reporting link below, the School Resource Officer or any adult on campus the student feels comfortable to talk with.
Seminole Happenings Newsletters
Tech Resources
Navigating Google Classrooms
Bring Your Own Device
Registration Form & FAQs
After completing the form below, bring your device and the completed registration form to the FSUS IT Department (Room 02-109).
Please be sure to read all information regarding Bring Your Own Device, so you are aware of the responsibilities of using your own device on campus.
If you have any questions please send email to
Device Specifications
The Following Devices are considered acceptable for use with the FSUS-BYOD Wireless Network:
- PC Laptop running Windows 10 or Higher Operating Systems
- Apple MacBooks
- Google Approved Chromebooks (See list of Approved Devices Here)
- Surface Devices must have Keyboard and Mouse
* FSUS IT department may not approve a device due to age or inability to function with current systems or programs.
Devices that may not be used with the FSUS-BYOD Wireless Network:
- Cell Phones of any type
- Kindle Devices
- iPads
- iPods
- Android Tablets
- IOT Devices
- Any Device that does not have a physical keyboard
How to Connect
FSUS Students are able to bring their own device on campus to be used for Classroom Activities and Educational purposes.
Before a device can be used on the FSUS-BYOD Wireless Network, students must bring the FSUS-BYOD registration form and the charged device to the FSUS IT Department located in room 02-109. FSUS IT staff will obtain information from the device to register it for access.
Technology Staff
Title IX
Title IX is a federal law in the United States that prohibits sex-based discrimination in any educational program or activity receiving federal funding. It ensures equal opportunities for all genders in education, including areas like athletics and addressing sexual harassment or violence.
FSUS Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Monica Broome
Title IX Homeless Education Program
Every Child Has a Right to an Education
The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless.
If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act.
The McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program is designed to address the problems that homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. Under this program, state educational agencies must ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as other children and youth.
Homeless children and youth must have access to the educational and other services that they need to enable them to meet the same challenging State student academic achievement standards to which all students are held. In addition, homeless students may not be separated from the mainstream school environment.
To find the Homeless Education Liaison in a Florida School District, go to the online district staff directory for Federal Educational Programs at Under Program Area, click on Title X Homeless Contacts, select a school district, and click Submit.
Under McKinney-Vento, children (PreK-12) have the right to:
Continue to attend the school they last attended before they lost their housing (school of origin), if that is the parent/guardian’s choice and is in the child’s best interest, or the school which is zoned for their temporary residence.
Enroll and attend classes immediately while the school arranges for the transfer of school and immunization records and other required enrollment documents.
If necessary, enroll and attend classes in the school selected by the parent/guardian (school of origin or zoned school), while the school and the parent/guardian seek to resolve a dispute over which school is in the best interest of the child - NOTE: This does not mean any school in the district, only the school of origin or zoned school.
Receive transportation to the school of origin (if a parent/guardian requests such transportation).
Homeless Liaison